1. Platform of Big Data Algorithms Library Based on Spark
Aiming at the characteristics of big data, the smart data processing algorithms library is set up, whose functions are selecting different algorithms to achieve the intelligent processing services of different applications based on different user requirements, different data forms and different application demands.
2. Platform of Structure and Semi Structure XBRL Massive Data Processing and Analysis Based on Spark
The platform includes 40 terminal nodes and a server node, which realizes the migration and conversion of XBRL heterogeneous data on the field of finance.
3. Platform of Digital Home System based on IOT
This platform transfers the work of development of intelligent gateway to the cloud and replaces the local storage of the digital family for cloud storage, convertes embedded calculation into the clouds distributed, and realizes the interconnection between user and digital home through the cloud system.
4. Public Service Platform of IOT and Cloud computing
The platform includes evaluation instrument database, IOT solutions database, standard database and intellectual property database. It combines with cloud computing technology to form a public service platform related to IOT industry. It not only offers search and consult service related with IOT, but also holds cloud storage and cloud computing service.
5. Platform of Intelligent Agriculture Cloud
The platform could receive and manage the big data such as temperature, humidity, light intensity information about agriculture. It uses Hadoop instead of traditional embedded system for distributed computing and cloud storage. In this way, it allows users to achieve connection between the platform and agricultural systems, which greatly improves the utilization of agricultural big data.