Smart X 2017 - Registration
  • Registration Fee

  • Publishing Fee
  • All accepted papers will be published in journals, more details about the publishing fee please refer to the specific journal. You do not need to pay the publishing fee for our conference.

  • Important Notes
  • At least one author of each paper is required to register and do the presentation at the conference. The author will pay the registration fee, in order to finish the registration. Payment of fees must accompany all registration forms. Your registration WILL NOT be confirmed until payment is received. Payment must be made in USD. The conference organizer will not accept any bank charges associated with the transfer of money. Author registration includes conference materials, lunch and dinner on December 18, conference bag, morning and afternoon teas, attending all technical sessions and conference proceeding. Please note that the paid registration fee cannot be refund if you cannot participate in the conference.

  • Payment Methods
  • Please clear indicate the author’s name and 'SmartX' on bank money order. Please also send email to to inform the payment of registration.

    1. Bank Transfer (Only for Authors from Mainland of China)
    收款账户: 212 015 019 100 500 00923

    Bank Name: China Construction Bank Dalian Luanjin Branches.
    Beneficiary: Dalian University of Technology.
    Bank account: 212 015 019 100 500 00923

    2. On-line credit card payment by Paypal (for USD)
    Finish the payment of registration fee with your credit card by on-line Paypal payment. Select an item, and click the pay now button.


  • Complete the registration form

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    Created and Maintained by
    Smart X Team