IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
Information Science、IEEE Access
International Journal of Communication Systems
Mobile Information Systems、Journal of Applied Science and Engineering
CITS 2017
担任国际会议IEEE PICOM Workshop(KDBD-2020)主席
担任国际会议IEEE SmartData2020分会主席
担任国际会议Web and System Management Chair:HPCC 2018、CPSCom 2017、GreenCom 2017、I-SPAN 2017、Smart X 2016、Smart X 2017
国际会议Workshop Program Committee:The 3rd International Workshop on Mobile Social Networking and Computing
2022年 大连市新引进高层次人才
HPCC-2018 国际会议杰出服务奖
Smart X 2016 国际会议最佳贡献